About me

About Adele Sonora

One of the ways I express myself is through painting, as an artist. I'm currently a watercolorist, and often paint very colorful landscapes, animals, and abstracts. The way I paint is a very intuitive expression of whatever subject matter has crossed my path. I can plan out a painting, but my favorite way is to just begin painting with no idea of how it will turn out.  Some of my most satisfying paintings were done with only a feeling or a musical event in my mind as a starting point.  I paint to express, to emote, and to process -- whatever it is that needs any of that. 

I began painting when I was 45 years old, with no prior artistic experience or training at all.   I began selling my artwork with the second painting.   Once I started, I took some classes at the Davis Art Center where there are still some incredible teachers.  However, I had a style all my own from the beginning, so one of my goals has been to retain that freshness and individuality, even while learning useful artistic concepts.  

I've organized many art shows for myself and other artists, and helped other artists with marketing their work.   Please contact me at asonora@cal.net for more information, or if you're interested in any of my paintings.  

I also work as a nutrition and health educator and you can see my blog called "Feed Your Spirit" at:   
